Oral Presentation Process

In order to present your research at the conference as an Oral Presenter, your abstract must undergo a thorough single-blind peer review. For further details please see the Abstract Submission & Review Process for details.

Providing that your abstract is accepted, you will receive an invitation from Academics Institute to register, participate and publish in accordance with the following procedure:

Oral Presentations

In the first 15 minutes the presenters will share their research followed by 5 minutes of discussion and feedback from participants. Two parallel sessions will be scheduled on 05 November, Tuesday and 06 November, Wednesday.

Room Equipment

All rooms will be equipped with a laptop pre-installed with PowerPoint, as well as an LCD projector. If you wish, you may directly link your own laptop, although we recommend you use the computer provided by plugging in your USB flash drive. 

Session Chairs

Session Chairs are expected to introduce themselves and other speakers (briefly) and ensure that the session begins and ends on time, and that the time is divided fairly between the presentations.

Each presenter should have no less than 20 minutes in which to present his or her paper and respond to any questions. We recommend that the 20 minutes presentation timeslot be divided as follows: 15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A.

The session chair is asked to assume this timekeeping role, and to this end, a yellow and red timekeeping card is used as a visual cue for presenters, letting them know when they have 5 minutes remaining, and when they must stop.

Please follow the order in the programme, and if for any reason a presenter fails to show, please keep to the original timeslots as delegates use the programme to plan their attendance.